about US

OUr Vision: To help parents create startup business communities in which they can have a wealthy lifestyle to raise a healthy family.

We all hold the keys to solve our school and community issues.-Sherry Bellille
Parent Avengers was created to support families in the Vine City community of west Atlanta. The concept is the brainchild of founder Ms. Sherry Bellille, a native of the U.S. Virgin Islands, and active APS parent. Parent Avengers is a parent support group dedicated to supporting Booker T. Washington Cluster parents. A spin on the Marvel comic series entitled Avengers, Parent Avengers view all parents as superheroes. The Avengers lived in a mansion within the city, thus Parent Avengers see the Vine City community that they serve, as a gem within the City of Atlanta. The Vine City community is often overlooked and left out. Parent Avengers are a real life team of parent superheros, from all walks of life in the growing diverse Westside community.
The organization is dedicated to serving parents residing on the Westside of Atlanta, with a primary focus on the Vine City and Booker T. Washington Cluster (APS ) schools and communities. Parent Avengers parents are residents of the historic community of the late civil rights legend Dr. Martin Luther King. Founder Ms. Sherry Bellille views the community as a treasure chest, and finds the good about the city, and focuses on the best attributes of her community, although there's changes in the complex ecosystem. The philosophy of Parent Avengers is one of helping the community, thus building a new and prosperous future for the next generation.